
Tuesday, October 1, 2019

How to Hang Drywall.

I know, for most of us saying that is like saying how to do brain surgery!  Drywall consists of panels of pressed gypsum plaster between heavy paper.  Drywall is also known as plasterboard, wallboard and gypsum board.  Here is the goal…when hanging drywall, the ultimate goal is to create the fewest number of seams possible.

There are three basic thicknesses of drywall –

1.  5/8 inch which is the most soundproof
2.  3/9 inch is appropriate for covering existing walls
3.  ¼ inch is used when covering curved walls

Let’s go back a bit to something written above…the ultimate goal is to create the fewest number of seams possible (how about none?)  That is the work of a professional handyman found by calling Home Pro Services.  Do you need drywall hung as close to perfection as possible?  If so, call Home Pro Services serving the Dallas area at (214) 886-3326.

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