
Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Christmas in the Metroplex is Better than Ever.

We wait all year for these days…Christmas in Dallas!  There are hundreds of things that residents of our beautiful, fruitful, and growing area can do to celebrate the Holidays.  We want you to be aware of some of them in these last few weeks of the year so that you can experience everything Dallas has to offer this time of year.

This season you could – 

1.  Drive through the Prairie Lights at Grand Prairie’s Lynn Creek.
2.  Visit the downtown light spectacular in Grapevine.
3.  Skate on the rink in Fort Worth’s Panther Island Ice.
4.  Celebrate the 12 days of Christmas at the arboretum.
5.  Addison’s Vitruvian Park gets lit up in gorgeous, colorful hues.

These are just a handful of events occurring in and around the Metroplex this Holiday season.  We hope that you take these in to bring a smile to your family’s faces.  Here at Home Pro Services we will take care of any and all handy work around your castle that needs getting done.  Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday season from our family at Home Pro Services to yours.